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Archive for the ‘framework’ Category

6 Html5 Javascript Game Development Frameworks For Online Game Developers

1. Gamequery – Javascript game engine for jQuery

GameQuery is a jQuery plug-in to help make javascript game development easier by adding some simple game-related classes. It’s still in an early stage of development and may change a lot in future versions. The project is hosted on GitHub (it was hosted on Google Code before) and a twitter page where you can follow the daily progress of the development.

Gamequery - Javascript game engine for jQuery

Gamequery - Javascript game engine for jQuery

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12 Free Open Source Web Projects Web Developers Should know

  1. JSINQ
    JSINQ is the JavaScript library that allows you to write SQL-like queries against arrays and DOM node lists.
  2. Joose
    Joose is a self-hosting meta object system for JavaScript with support for classes, inheritance, mixins, traits, method modifiers and more.
  3. jData
    jData is a shared localStorage object interface that can be accessed by any website on the internet and works on Firefox 3+, Webkit 3.1.2/3.2+ nightlies (for some reason not Safari 3.2 stable), and IE8.
  4. xLazyLoader
    Lightweight js, css and images preloader.
  5. JavaScriptMVC
    the framework that provides a Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern for JavaScript development。
  6. titaniumapp
    Titanium is the first open platform for building rich desktop applications
  7. mxgraph
    mxGraph is the ultimate component for drawing diagrams in a browser.
  8. getsprockets
    Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files.
  9. Juicer
    a CSS and JavaScript packaging.
  10. GX
    GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny (10kb uncompressed) Javascript Animations Framework. Using GX you can create complex animations working with every w3c CSS property.
  11. Helene
    A syntax highlighting text editor in javascript.
  12. jsDraw2D This is a pure JavaScript library to draw 2D graphics on web pages inside web browser without using SVG or VML. JavaScript developers, web developers and webmasters can take advantage of the library to add graphics drawing functionality to their web applications or websites using the library.

7 Best Grid Column Layout Css Framework You Have to Know

1. 960 Grid System

The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow by providing commonly used dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels. There are two variants: 12 and 16 columns, which can be used separately or in tandem.

960 Grid css framework

960 Grid css framework

2. Blueprint  CSS framework

Blueprint is a CSS framework, which aims to cut down on your development time. It gives you a solid foundation to build your project on top of, with an easy-to-use grid, sensible typography, useful plugins, and even a stylesheet for printing.

What does Blueprint have to offer?

  • A CSS reset that eliminates the discrepancies across browsers.
  • A solid grid that can support the most complex of layouts.
  • Typography based on expert principles that predate the web.
  • Form styles for great looking user interfaces.
  • Print styles for making any webpage ready for paper.
  • Plugins for buttons, tabs and sprites.
  • Tools, editors, and templates for every step in your workflow.

Blueprint CSS framework

Blueprint CSS framework

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AmMap Free Interactive Flash Map to Create Location Related Application

AmMap is a tool for creating interactive Flash maps. You can use this tool to show locations of your offices, routes of your journeys, create your distributor map, etc. Photos or illustrations can be used as layers and backgrounds of maps, so you can make different presentations, e-learning tools and more.

With amMap, you can:

* customize every detail of your map – sizes, colors, disable features you don’t need;
* create multi-level structures;
* create map charts (heatmaps);
* load icons or other custom movies or photos on top of your map;
* use your own custom map textures;
* draw lines and add text;
* set the start-up zoom level and position;
* use it as zoomifyer to display big pictures;
* control the map with JavaScript (reload data and settings, set and get data and separate parameters, register clicks);
* export the map as an image.

amMap Interactive flash maps screenshot

amMap Interactive flash maps screenshot

Maps included: World with countries, World with continents, Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, France departments, French Guiana, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guyana,Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, St. Lucia, Suriname, Sweden, Syria, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen – more being added constantly!

Ample SDK Open Source Javascript GUI Framework HTM5 SVG Supported


Ample SDK is a standard-based cross-browser JavaScript UI Framework for building Rich Internet Applications. It employs XML technologies (such as XUL, SVG or HTML5) for UI layout, CSS for UI style and JavaScript with standard DOM/jQuery APIs for application logic. It equalizes browsers and brings technologies support to those missing any.


Ample SDK is entirely written in JavaScript and thus it does not require any specific components installed in the browser to operate properly. It doesn’t modify the browser infrastructure but rather fills in the missing functionality. Go to Advantages to get more detailed information on the Ample SDK strengths.


Ample SDK consists of a Ample Runtime (or Core), User Interface Markup Language implementations and a set of plugins. Ample Runtime implements DOM (Level 3), XML languages, objects facilitating work with XML, XSL-T, and a whole range of UI services. Every UI Markup Language implementation is included separately depending on your needs and specifics of the User Interface you build. Have a closer look at the Ample SDK Technologies.

amplesdk sample screenshot

amplesdk sample screenshot

Yahoo! User Interface Next Generation JavaScript and CSS library

YUI 3 is Yahoo!’s next-generation JavaScript and CSS library. It powers the new Yahoo! homepage, Yahoo! Mail, and many other Yahoo! sites. The YUI 3 Library has been redesigned and rewritten from the ground up incorporating what we’ve learned in five years of dedicated library development. The library includes the core components, a full suite of utilities, the Widget Infrastructure, a growing collection of widgets, CSS resources, and tools. All YUI components are BSD-licensed and are available for forking and contribution on GitHub. In addition to the core components included in the YUI 3 Library, there is also a gallery of components created by developers in the YUI community that provide additional functionality leveraging YUI 3 that can be used in the development of robust web applications. Features would be

  • lighter (less K-weight on the wire and on the page for most uses)
  • faster (fewer http requests, less code to write and compile, more efficient code)
  • more consistent (common naming, event signatures, and widget APIs throughout the library)
  • more powerful (do more with less implementation code)
  • more securable (safer and easier to expose to multiple developers working in the same environment)

YUI 3.0 Preview Release 1

SuperPreview Cross-Browser Testing with IE Firefox Chrome Opera

Every web developer today faces the challenge of checking website compatibility across a large pool of browsers and browser versions in the marketplace. Up and until now, either you could install every browser, verify the website via a visual inspection and debug with tools specialized to that browser, or you could send a URL to a third-party screenshotting service like BrowserShots for an all-in-one visual inspection. The former is messy and tedious but gives you more control and an opportunity to diagnose problems, whilst the latter is simple but slow and useless to fix the problem. Needless to say, SuperPreview is the best of both worlds.

Expression Web Super Preview

Check this blog for more


Best Faster Easier Way to Build Web Application

Getting Real is the business, design, programming, and marketing philosophies of 37signals a developer of web-based software used by over 1 million people and businesses in 70 countries. 37signals used the unconventional Getting Real process to launch five successful web-based applications (Basecamp, Campfire, Backpack, Writeboard, Ta-da List), and Ruby on Rails, an open-source web application framework, in just two years with no funding, no debt, and only 7 people.

Anyone working on a web app  including entrepreneurs, designers, programmers, executives, or marketers  will find value, fresh perspectives, and inspiration in this practical book. At under 200 pages it’s quick reading too. Makes a great airplane book. The complete book with 16 chapters and 91 essays is now Completely free to read online.


CSSHttpRequest Best Javascript Library to Cross Domain using Ajax

CSSHttpRequest is  a lightweight library that allows to perform cross-domain AJAX requests.

Like JavaScript includes, this works because CSS is not subject to the same-origin policy that affects XMLHttpRequest. CSSHttpRequest functions similarly to JSONP, and is limited to making GET requests. Unlike JSONP, untrusted third-party JavaScript cannot execute in the context of the calling page.

  • Cross-browser—supports IE6+, Firefox 2+, Safari 3+, iPhone
  • 100% JavaScript—no Flash required
  • Small—2.4KB minified
CSSHttpRequest Best Javascript Library to Cross Domain using Ajax

CSSHttpRequest Best Javascript Library to Cross Domain using Ajax

CSSHttpRequest is open source under an Apache License (Version 2.0).

Anthologize Transform Your WordPress Content into An Electronic Book

Anthologize is a free, open-source, plugin that transforms WordPress 3.0 into a platform for publishing electronic texts. Done within three steps.


Easily pull content from blogs.


Drag & drop organization & layout.


Generate your book & publish in print & digital formats.
